Mormon Marriages

E48 - Off Balance On Purpose | Learning to juggle all of life's roles with Rachel Nielson from the 3 in 30 Podcast

Episode Summary

"I felt like the Lord was telling me, ‘I created you the way you are for a reason. You have these gifts and these desires and these skills because I put them there in you. It’s not wrong to follow those. In fact, it’s fulfilling the measure of your creation.’ I do believe that it is a parent’s (both a father’s and a mother’s) primary responsibility for the nurture of their children, and a huge part of that is finding nurturing opportunities for them. I’m the facilitator of the nurturing and the education that happens in my children’s life. I do not have to be the only one doing the nurturing." — Rachel Nielson

Episode Notes

In this episode of the podcast, Rachel Nielson from the "3 in 30 takeaways for moms" podcast joins us to talk about life's crazy balancing act!

From wife, mother, ward calling holder, podcast host and business owner (just to name a few), Rachel has a lot of hats to wear! She knows firsthand the chaos that can come from attempting to juggle all of life's roles and responsibilities. 

The conversation we have is real and raw and beautiful. You don't want to miss it! 

Check out the 3 in 30 podcast to hear more incredible insights from Rachel and her guests!