Mormon Marriages

E39 - The Divorced Mormon with Jenny Rollins Nelson

Episode Summary

"It might feel like you’re sliding backwards - like you’re back to square one. This may seem like something that has the potential to wreck you, ruin your faith, or completely divert all you’ve worked for. As long as you are doing your best, and asking for God’s help, stumbling blocks become stepping stones - it will always be a step forward." -Jenny Rollins Nelson

Episode Notes

As members of the church, one of our ultimate goals is getting married in the temple one day and promising to our future spouse for time and all eternity.

So, what happens when eternity doesn't last as long as you thought it would?

No one gets married with the anticipation that they will get divorced later. Unfortunately, it happens!

Divorce can be a taboo topic in the church. It's not a topic frequently discussed in Sunday School (other than how to avoid it). With so much emphasis on family and temple marriage, it can leave a divorced member feeling lost in limbo, unsure what their place is in the grand scheme of things. There aren't very many resources readily available to help navigate such a troubling time.

Thankfully, people like Jenny Rollins Nelson are seeking to change that!

Join us for this week's episode as we dive head first into Jenny's personal experience with divorce, re-entering the dating field, relying on the Savior, and learning to love herself again.

In her own words, "Yes, there is life after divorce!"