Mormon Marriages

BONUS | The Parable of the Growth Ecosystem with Nate & Ang

Episode Summary

"And behold, as the tree beginneth to grow, ye will say: Let us nourish it with great care..." Alma 32:37 A plant grows almost unnoticeably. Just as you can’t watch a plant grow with the naked eye, you may not notice a change in your marriage from day-to-day. Though it doesn’t happen overnight, 6 months from now you can look back and think, ‘wow… look how far we’ve come.’ This won’t happen unless your marriage is placed in the right ecosystem.

Episode Notes

In 2011, Nate quit his job and set out to find the answers to what makes a marriage truly extraordinary.

After years of research, seminars, books and trainings, and from talking with top notch couples, therapists, and experts, he has finally been able to sum it up into one simple principle.

A good seed, when placed in the right ecosystem - with adequate light, fertile soil, and an abundance of water - has no choice but to grow!

Your marriage is no different.

Check out this bonus episode to figure out why!